Okay, so I've been reading all of this interesting stuff on the internet about the benefits of detox. For those of you who aren't familiar with detoxification, it's basically a time when you try to rid your body of those nasty toxins that lurk in our everyday food. Detoxes are also supposed to get rid of that "icky" feeling after your diet hasn't been quite up to snuff.
So, I was bored again, like usual. These crushing times of boredom are usually the times when I get my most random ideas. So I decided I'd give detox a whirl! Mine is just a 24-hour detox because experts suggest you start slow if you've never tried one before.
Since last night, all I've eaten/drank is enough water to float a ship, and this weird detox smoothie I found on the internet! The smoothie is....interesting. It's refreshing, for sure, but it's also a little weird. I was limited with my choices of recipes by what I had in my kitchen at the time. My smoothie was a mixture of apples, carrots, and celery, with a little cinnamon sprinkled in. Here's why these were chosen:
Apples: (lots of apples, because yum) help support digestion.
Carrots: because they help remove toxins from the colon.
Celery: helps lower blood pressure.
Cinnamon: boosts your metabolism.
I have a couple of suggestions if anyone wishes to tackle this smoothie. Although the recipe stated this was a smoothie, I would recommend putting it through a juicer and making it juice instead. I like the flavour, but the carrots give it a funny texture. Secondly, make sure you use lots of apples. If you add too many carrots instead, it overpowers the taste of the apples. Plus, I love apples!
If anyone has any recipes they like, speak up! I'm always up for trying new ones!
This isn't the site that I got my recipe from, but I found it and these all look delicious. Next time I try a detox, I'll definitely be trying some of these! Oh, and buying a juicer of course!
I'm almost done my 24 hours, and so far it hasn't been that bad at all. Except, you know, craving the occasional KitKat bar, or bowl of ice cream! I'm pretty weak.... :P
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